Designing Factors Affecting the Performance and Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Network
Wireless Sensor Network, Performance, Lifetime, Sensors, Optimization, ThroughputAbstract
Performance and lifetime of a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) are the evaluation parameters of a network that how well and how long a network is doing well. A network can start giving wrong information at any time during the whole lifespan of the network and it might stop working as well. The performance of a network can be evaluated and improved up to a level of satisfaction with the improvement of network parameters and the components used in designing the network. There are a handful of works that address the major tradeoffs, coverage, and connectivity in designing of WSN. Also, an efficient decision of locating the sensors in WSN can lead to obtaining the required degree of network performance. There are hundreds of research, demanding various deployment methods and optimization goal in various environments. This article aims at the investigation of those designing factors which can affect the performance and lifetime of a WSN at the same time improving those designing issues can produce a guaranteed degree of throughput.
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