Determinants of Information Security Awareness among Employees of Capital Market Registrars in Lagos, Nigeria: An Empirical Study
Information Security, Awareness, Employees, Capital Market Registrars, Lagos, NigeriaAbstract
The purpose of the study is to examine the determinants of information security awareness (ISA) among employees of Capital Market Registrars (CMRs) in Lagos, Nigeria based on established factors from the existing literatures on ISA. The main objectives of the study are; to determine the level of information security awareness among CMRs’ employees and to identify the components that influence information security awareness. This study utilised a survey design. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select the respondents for the study. A total of 326 copies of questionnaires were distributed among the employees in CMRs, of which 267 properly completed questionnaires were returned. Descriptive statistics and simple regression were used for data analysis. Finding revealed that information security policy, information security education, knowledge of technology, and employee’s behaviour significantly influenced information security awareness. The results of the study further revealed the strong correlation between employee’s behaviour and information security awareness. Overall, the study showed that the level of information security awareness is high, which implies that employees of CMRs in Lagos are aware of the potential threats and risk associated with information security. Based on these research findings, recommendations were therefore made.
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