Priority Based Polling and Scheduling Algorithm for Intrapiconets in Bluetooth
Intrapiconet pollting, scheduling, sniff modeAbstract
The trend of dynamically interconnecting the personal devices that people carry with them has led to the introduction of personal area networks (PANs) and personal networks (PNs). The Bluetooth wireless access technology is believed to be a potential enabler of PANs and PNs. This dissertation focuses on Bluetooth intrapiconet scheduling (also referred to as Bluetooth polling) that helps in making the Bluetooth technology a successful enabler of PANs and PNs. In order for the Bluetooth technology to be such a successful enabler, its polling mechanism should be efficient. At the same time, the polling mechanism should also be fair. Finally, the polling mechanism must be able to provide quality of service (QoS). Conventional polling mechanisms are less suitable for Bluetooth as they do not take the Bluetooth specification into account. Current Bluetooth polling mechanisms are either not able to poll in a fair and efficient manner, or they do not provide the needed QoS. The main goal of this thesis is the design of new Bluetooth polling mechanisms. To design a polling mechanism that, in case of best effort traffic, divides bandwidth among the slaves in a fair and efficient manner. To design a polling mechanism that is able to provide quality of service. These polling mechanisms help in making the Bluetooth technology a successful enabler of personal area networks, and thus of personal networks. In this research focuses on Bluetooth intra-piconet Scheduling and Reduce the time delay. It provide a better opportunity to communicate in a PAN. In this research we use Adaptive Probability-based Polling Interval (APPI) in sniff based polling mechanisms
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