Performance Evaluation of Routing Protocols for Voice and Video Traffics
AODV, DSR, TORA, Routing Protocols, Voice and VideoAbstract
Wireless networks are comprised of nodes which are high in mobility and are adhoc natured where centralized access point is not required. Each node will have particular transmission range in which the data transmits from source to destination in that transmission range. Route construction for transmission of data from source to destination is tough due to high node mobility and dynamic nature of network. Many routing protocols are proposed and implemented in networks to reduce such mobility and dynamic difficulties for route construction. These routing protocols construct a route from source to destination based on availability of network nodes. Adhoc On demand Distance vector (AODV) is a self-starting dynamic network, Dynamic source routing (DSR) and Temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA) are most frequent used ones for dynamic route construction. Voice and Video are two mostly used applications nowadays as the users are immensely using them. In this paper, a comparison is made in performances of AODV, DSR and TORA for the traffics of voice and video. The performance is evaluated in terms of delay, throughput and packet delivery ratio. Simulations are conducted using network simulator NS 2.35.
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