A New Approach of Functional Dependency in a Neutrosophic Relational Database Model
Neutro-sophicSet, Similarity Measure of Neutrosophic Data, Neutro-sophic Functional Dependency, Neutro-sophic Key, Partial -NfdAbstract
In order to model the imprecise and uncertain information, different classical relational data model have been studied in literature using vague set theory. However, neutrosophic set, as a generalized vague set, has more powerful ability to process fuzzy information than vague set. In this paper, we have proposed a neutrosophic relational database model and have defined a new kind of neutrosophic functional dependency (called -nfd) based on the -equality of tuples and the similarity measure of neutrosophic sets. Next, we present a set of sound neutrosophic inference rules which are similar to Armstrong’s axioms for the classical case. Finally, partial -nfdand neutrosophic key have been studied with the new notion of -nfdand also tested.
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