Providing a Secure Cloud Storage by Using Attribute Based Temporary Key Word Search Scheme
Secure Cloud Storage, Key Policy, Security Analysis, Token GenAbstract
The cloud providers are not fully trusted in the accept of temporary keyword search on confidential data. Hence this is the main focus of this research, it is necessary to outsource data in the encrypted format. In the attribute-based keyword search scheme the authorized users generate some tokens which were in encrypted format and send them to cloud for the search operation. These tokens can be used to extract all the cipher texts which are generated at any time and contain the search token which were generated by authorized users. Since this may lead to some information leakage, a new cryptographic primitive is introduced which is more secure to propose a scheme in which the search tokens can only extract the cipher texts generated in a specified time interval and that cryptographic primitive is called key-policy attribute-based temporary keyword search (KPABTKS) which provide this property. To evaluate the security, we have to prove that the proposed scheme achieves the keyword secrecy property and is secure against selectively chosen keyword attack (SCKA) both in the random oracle model and Decisional Bilinear Diffie-Hellman (DBDH) assumption. And at last the research will show the complexity of the encryption algorithm is linear with respect to the number of the involved attributes.
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