A Survey on Data Visualization Applications Challenges Techniques and Technologies
Geovisualization, Rectangle packing, Community Health map, ArcGISAbstract
Trillions of dollars are spent each year on health care.The Department of Health Research (DHR) keeps track of a
variety of health care indicators across the country, resulting in a large geospatially multivariate data set. This paper presents the various techniques, tools, technology and algorithms for the representation of large scale data which aims to provide good overviews of complete structures and the content of the data in one display space. The ability to visualize multiple variables on the map and compare them using a table and charts at the same time can provide valuable insights which might not be possible to obtain from current tools. . There are large numbers of data visualization techniques which have been developed over the last decade to support the exploration of large data sets. The techniques and tools discussed in this paper are based on the data type to be visualized, the visualization technique and the interaction and distortion technique.
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