Permission Tracking Security Model in Android Application
Android permissions, Tracking, Android ApplicationAbstract
Android permissions are rights given to applications to allow them to do things like take pictures, use the GPS or make phone calls. When installed, applications are given a unique UID, and the application will always run as that UID on that particular device. The UID of an application is used to protect its data and developers need to be explicit about sharing data with other applications. Android supports building applications that use phone features while protecting users by minimizing the consequences of bugs and malicious software. Android’s process isolation obviates the need for complicated policy configuration files for sandboxes. This gives applications the flexibility to use native code without compromising Android’s security or granting the application additional rights. Malicious software is an unfortunate reality on popular platforms, and through its features Android tries to minimize the impact of malware. However, even unprivileged malware that gets installed on an Android device (perhaps by pretending to be a useful application) can still temporarily wreck the user’s experience. Applications can entertain users with graphics, play music, and launch other programs without special permissions. In this paper we introduce tracking and monitoring of malicious activity of the apps that are installed by the user even from playstore using trusted permission based security model.
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