An Efficient Mobile Authentication Protocol for Wireless Communications Using Rabin PublicKey Cryptosystem
Security, Cryptographic algorithms, RSA, Elliptic Curve Cryptography, Rabin Public-key Cryptosystem, J2MEAbstract
The past few years have witnessed an explosive growth in the use of mobile devices as the enabling technology for accessing Internet based services, as well as for personal communication needs in networking environments. Most studies indicate that it is impossible to utilize strong cryptographic functions for implementing security protocols on mobile devices. Our work refutes this. Specifically, we present a performance analysis focused on the most commonly used cryptographic protocols for mobile applications and we proposed provably secure authentication protocol that is more efficient than any of the existing authentication protocol in the literature. The increasing progress in wireless mobile communication has attracted an important amount of attention on the security issue. To provide secure communication for mobile devices, authenticated protocol is an important primitive for establishing trusted connection. In this work, we focus on an important constraint of such devices – battery life – and examine how it is impacted by the use of security protocols. We believe such investigations to be an important first step toward addressing the challenges of energy-efficient security for battery-constrained systems. Our result shows that proposed authentication protocol provides a better security guarantee and incurs much less energy consumption than the existing authentication protocols. Finally, performance analysis will show that compared with existing authentication protocols, our proposed scheme is to be more simple, secure and efficient.
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