Role of Artificial Intelligence in Distinct Sector: A Study
Artificial Intelligence, Applications, Benefits, Future Scope, ChallengesAbstract
The artificial intelligence (AI) plays a significant role in distinct fields to solve the complex problems. The digital technical field is increasing day by day in the world and it makes an internal part of our life. Hence, the knowledge of emerging technology is must for making our life easy. However, there are some major areas which are creating the problems to human such as agriculture field that comprises crop diseases, lack of storage management, pesticide control etc. These problems can be solved by artificial intelligence, IOT, machine learning and deep learning. Hence, the aim of this paper is to discuss the role of artificial intelligence to solve different issues of distinct sectors (medical, engineering, agriculture, business, defenses etc.) especially in medicine (COVID-19). Finally, future scope, challenges and application domain of artificial intelligence is also described.
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